The Last Days of the Slums: 20 Amazing Vintage Photographs Capture Life on the Streets in Manchester in the 1960s


From neighbors chatting between rubble-strewn terraces to kids playing cricket on cracked pavements, Shirley Baker’s photographs capture a rich street life on the brink of being bulldozed into history...

The Last Days of the Slums
The Last Days of the Slums

The Last Days of the Slums

The Last Days of the Slums

The Last Days of the Slums

The Last Days of the Slums

The Last Days of the Slums

The Last Days of the Slums

The Last Days of the Slums

The Last Days of the Slums

The Last Days of the Slums

The Last Days of the Slums

The Last Days of the Slums

The Last Days of the Slums

The Last Days of the Slums

The Last Days of the Slums

The Last Days of the Slums

The Last Days of the Slums

The Last Days of the Slums